Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Funsell 5 is in desperate need of a couch for common area

The common lounge in Munsell-Ferguson (Funsell) is an essential space for students to relax, socialize and study together. It’s a place that unites students who otherwise would have never met. Whether it’s six in the morning or 11p.m., you can find students enjoying their time among peers in these spaces. But not all lounges are created equally. Specifically, one lounge continues to suffer in silence from the lack of a vital resource: a couch. It is my duty today to bring to light the silent sorrow of the residents of Funsell 5 and call for our school to right the wrongs of the past.

Many may believe that a newspaper article is an inappropriate place to inquire about new furniture; I will be the first to admit that you are correct. However, I would not be writing this article if we were not truly desperate. Despite the dutiful actions taken by our RAs (on a weekly basis, I add) to assist us in our efforts, no action has been taken nor response made on the situation. We even took it upon ourselves to purchase our own seating, but these efforts proved dismal due to our limited budgets. The residents of Funsell 5 have been patient, but we can no longer stand for this negligence. 

Let us review the facts. First, between every floor of Funsell , there is a common lounge connecting the buildings. Second, every other floor has two armchairs and two couches; Funsell 5 has only one armchair and zero couches. It is important to note that Funsell 5 did previously have couches; however, the class of 2027 moved in with only one single couch on floor 5, and it was broken beyond the point of use. You can see why we are frustrated and fed up with the situation. I do not find it fair to punish current students with the sins of students past. 

I can personally attest that Funsell 5 would benefit greatly from the addition of even just one couch. You can find anywhere up to ten residents populating the lounge on any given day, as it has quickly become a favorite spot to socialize. The common lounges are a frequent spot for study sessions and late-night dinners. The addition of a couch would solve the dismal seating issue and allow the student to utilize the lounge even more. I am not asking for the removal of a rightfully deserved couch from another floor. In fact, Illinois Wesleyan recently sent mail to my house with a solution. 

A few weeks ago, IWU sent letters to our alumni about our most recent fundraising endeavor, where the school raised over $7.5 million. In this letter was an outline that detailed where the fundraising money would go and none seem to be going toward our cause. If our generous alumni donors were able to donate over $7 million, then I believe the university should budget for a couch for Funsell 5. 

The situation is dire. Funsell 5 has waited for over a month, with no response on the couch. I ask that IWU do what any established university should and address this disturbance that prevents its students from being the best students they can be.

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