Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Letter to the Editor

Cortney Sears


The editorial from last week’s edition, “Sodexo needs healthier options for students,” was uninformed and messy.

You are not required to swipe to view the menu in the commons, which is also available at all Sodexo areas on campus. The information previously provided about Sodexo’s food was also biased and not investigated.

The five food groups are easily attainable through Sodexo’s variety of options on campus. They also provide a variety of protein options for those with special diets or observing Lent and other religious holidays. While all items may not be handed to you on a silver platter, it is incredibly easy to make a balanced meal.

Fruit and 100% fruit juices are always available to students in the various locations around campus. The Commons always hosts a protein, starch and fruit/vegetable from the Center of the Plate line, where milk and other dairy options are not far away.

The protein featured at the Center of the Plate is often a roasted whole muscle meat, carved in front of the students. This is one of the healthiest types of animal protein you can eat. Balance is always available, but many students choose to ignore this fact or do not realize the options available to them.

The variety of foods served also includes a variety of options for vegans and vegetarians, which always incorporates some protein whether it be in the form of tofu, quinoa, beans, hummus or some other protein rich food item.

Vegetarian and vegan options are also found in multiple areas of the commons and options have grown in quantity with the new menu changes that have occurred since last semester.

Gluten-free options are also available to the masses, or students can work with our chefs to create a special menu for their dietary needs that they can pick up directly from the kitchen. Sodexo believes in mindful, healthy eating which is why the new menu that has been created has made the Commons a healthier eating area than ever before.

Throughout the Lenten season, Sodexo also makes sure to provide more seafood options to our customers. Fish sandwiches are made to order at the Grill in the Commons. The various Sodexo locations on campus also have tuna salad and grilled peanut butter and jelly as other options.

Healthy options and balanced meals are also easily obtained in the Dugout and Tommy’s. However, it is up to the students ordering the food to make the proper choices. French fries are not the only side option at Tommy’s and chips are not the only side you can get with a sub.

Sodexo employees are not here to chastise you for poor eating habits when all the options are presented. I cannot force someone to eat a salad or the vegetables provided to them if they do not want to.

The previous editorial reflects a great lack of knowledge about the food options on campus. Sodexo employees are generally very well informed and can guide you to the options you may desire.

This can only be done when direct feedback is given to Sodexo employees. Many people would rather keep opinions to themselves. Speak to employees about positives and negatives you see in the dining hall areas on campus. Ask us questions about what is being served, voice opinions directly to the staff or send constituent concerns to student senate who meets regularly with the Sodexo staff.

Cortney Sears

By admin

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