Ames Library holds “Discussion Wall”
Fri. Nov. 6
The Action Research Center will place bulletin and dry erase boards throughout the library with prompts in reference to the ongoing election for students to respond to. Students living away from campus can participate remotely.
“Poli-Talk” takes place
Fri. Nov. 6, from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Professor of Political Science Jim Simeone and Interim Chaplain Monica Corsaro will lead a discussion following up on the national election.
Nursing school hosts career fair
Wed. Nov. 11, from 10-12:30 p.m.
The Hart Career Center and the School of Nursing will host their annual Nursing Career Fair. Representatives will be available to discuss their internship, full time, volunteer opportunities and other programs. For more information, students should contact IWU’s School of Nursing.
Veterans Day ceremony takes place
Wed. Nov. 11, from 10:50-11:15 a.m.
A ceremony will take place at the flagpole in the center of the main quad to honor veterans. The ceremony will take place in Evelyn Chapel if weather does not permit.
Academic Skills Series continues
Wed. Nov. 11, from 12-1 p.m.
Action Research Center’s Student Success tutors will host a workshop on “Finishing the Semester Strong and Survival Tips for Finals” virtually. Students can sign up for the workshop here.
Black Lives Matter vigil to be held
Wed. Nov. 11, from 4-5 p.m.
Amnesty International, Office of Multifaith Engagement and Pride Alliance will host a BLM candlelight vigil to honor the Black lives lost due to police violence and to honor a few notable Black people who have passed this year as well. The event will be held at Evelyn Chapel and will be limited to 43 in-person attendees. Students can sign up to attend here.