Sun. Feb 9th, 2025
Image by Isabel Sperry
Image by Isabel Sperry

Art Exhibits

August 30 – October 7 

School of Art Building

Pattie Chalmers ceramic sculpture “Imperfect Ramblings” is on display in the Merwin Gallery and a selection of artist’s books from IWU’s archives is in the Wakeley Gallery.


Women’s Golf – CCIW Championship

October 1

Ironwood Golf Course, Normal IL


Annual Trick or Tweet

October 1- 25


Write a scary story of 280 characters or less by the 25th. The Writing Center staff will choose and announce a winner of the 29th, share the winners’ stories on their social media and award first through third place prizes. To submit your story email Anna Scanlon at


Women’s Tennis vs Wheaton

October 1 at 3:30 PM

Beadles-Morse Courts


TGOE Fest &Pizza Taste Off

October 1, 5 – 7 PM
Eckley Quad

CAB sponsors an annual pizza taste off. Sample local/chain restaurants in the Bloomington-Normal area. Remarks and performances by SAAC, Titan cheerleaders and Homecoming royalty crowning. 


Conor Clemmons Performance

October 1, 8 – 9 PM

Eckley Quad

Performance by Conor Clemmons, Nashville native country artist from “The Voice”.


Virtual Family Day – What’s Next for Your Student at IWU?

October 2, 10 AM

Panel with Chandra Shipley, Kevin Carey and Karla-Carney Hall, discuss what students may be experiencing and processing that with parents. 


Virtual Family Day – Virtual Escape Rooms

October 1, 7 PM

Families will compete together to solve the mystery of the Globe Trotter. Families should register online beforehand here.


Language School for Kids Fall Session

October 2, 9 – 10:30 AM

CLA first floor

Classes in French and Spanish are offered for pre-K to 5K.


Women’s Tennis vs Elmhurst

October 2, 10 AM – 1 PM

Beadles-Morse Courts


Football vs Elmhurst

October 2, 1 PM – 4 PM

Tucci Stadium


Women’s Soccer vs Concordia-Wisconsin

October 3, 1PM – 3PM

Neis Field


School of Music: Homecoming Faculty Showcase

October 3, 1PM – 3PM

Westbrook Auditorium, Presser Hall


Student Senate General Assembly

October 3, 6PM – 7PM

Hansen Student Center

All General Assembly meetings are open to the entire student body, and regardless of if you are a senator or not, students are encouraged to attend.


Flu Vaccine Clinic

October 4 and 5, 11AM – 3PM

Hansen Student Center

Open to students, faculty, staff and dependents. No pre-registration required but attendants should bring their insurance card.


IWU Lyrical Graffiti Open Mic

October 4, 9PM – 10:30PM

Joslin Atrium, Memorial Center

Students perform poetry, music, comedy and whatever else they may desire.


Writing for Protest

October 5, 6PM – 7PM

WC|TS Room 105B, Ames Library

Those interested in social justice may attend a workshop to discuss inspiration, protest writing and work on crafting their own.


SEA October Meeting

October 5, 7PM – 8PM

Hansen Student Center

The Student Education Association (SEA) will be hosting its first meeting of the school year, introducing what SEA is and the current executive board. Guest speaker Dr. Lindsey Jensen, student director of the Illinois Education Association (IEA), will be discussing what IEA is, benefits of membership and bring free IEA swag for students. Event is open to all students interested in the field of education. 


Treats n’ Treats

October 6, 12PM – 1PM

Hansen Student Center

CAB will be hosting a Halloween-themed give-away event. Grab a treat bag and spin the wheel to have the chance to win some CAB merch.


3D: LGBTQ+ History Month

October 6, 4PM – 5:30PM

Beckman Auditorium, Ames Library

This LGBTQ+ history month event is aimed to educate those wishing to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community as well as celebrate the community.


Women’s Volleyball vs North 

October 6, 7PM – 10PM

Shirk Center


Midterms Coffee Shop

October 7, 1PM – 5PM

Center Court, Hansen Student Center

All students, faculty and staff are invited to stop by Hansen Student Center to get a cup of coffee, tea, juice and a pastry as we navigate midterms.


Using Writing to Create

October 7, 6PM – 7PM

WC|TS Room 105B, Ames Library

Workshop to help students with creative writing. They will cover some basics, offer resources and challenge students with writing exercises. Recordings of the workshop will be available afterwards upon request. Pre-register by emailing


International Film Series – Chocolat

October 7, 7PM – 8PM

Beckman Auditorium, Ames Library

Directed by Claire Denis, 1988, Cameroon/France.

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