ODI hosts “First Friday”
March 5, 3 p.m.
Students can go to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion any time after three to eat pizza and listen to WESN’s radio show Diversity Deep Dish.
March 5, 5-5:45 & 6-6:45 p.m.
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) will be hosting POP-UP BINGO in the Young Main Lounge and virtually. Only 50 attendees allowed per in-person session. CAB will be using an online BINGO platform where everyone will be sent a link with four different cards per person that works with both laptops and phones. Attendees are encouraged to RSVP through this link if they plan on attending in-person. The event can also be accessed virtually here with a meeting ID: 83686062655 and Passcode: 383979. The online bingo cards can be accessed here. Attendees will also have the opportunity to win prizes off of an Amazon wishlist which can be viewed here.
IWU holds virtual Spring Open House
March 6, 9:30-12 p.m.
Future students can attend IWU’s virtual open house for the opportunity to learn about academic programs, meet professors and learn about campus life. Students who are interested in attending can register for the open house by filling out this form.
Academic Skills Series continues
March 8, 6-7 p.m.
Students can join the Action Research Center’s (ARC) weekly drop-in call on Monday evenings. This week’s topic will focus on crafting stronger papers. Students who are interested in attending should watch the pre-recorded video on the weekly topic here.
CCS hosts “Mental Health, COVID and Dealing with Distressed Students at IWU”
March 9, 11-12:30 p.m.
Christina Armstrong and Bob Rogers from Counseling and Consultation Services will be leading a discussion on mental health in the age of COVID and how to specifically cater to IWU students. The virtual event will only be open to faculty and staff members. Those who are interested in attending can sign up here to receive the Zoom link information.
Writing Center leads personal statement workshop
March 9, 6-7 p.m.
Professor and Director of the Writing Center, Ana Scanlon, will be hosting a workshop on the key points of writing personal statements for career fields related to health. Examples will be shared and discussed amongst students. Students who are interested in attending the event should email Prof. Scanlon ascanlon@iwu.edu for the Zoom link information.
Council for IWU Women hosts virtual summit
March 12, 11:30-1 p.m.
The Council for IWU Women will be hosting their annual summit virtually this year. The summit involves a series of events that provide women within the IWU community opportunities to discuss social topics concerning women, network with successful alumni and taking on leadership roles in today’s society. All summit events are free and open to the IWU community. More information can be found here.