Fri. Jan 24th, 2025

The case for conservatism in Illinois

By: Jordan Baker, Staff Writer

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the college world, we as adults will use the power of the vote to influence this upcoming Gubernatorial and Congressional election. It is my position that both Governor Bruce Rauner and Congressman Rodney Davis should be re-elected to carry out legislation to help revive the state of Illinois.
Gov. Rauner (R) has brought Amazon and auto-parts manufacturer Flex-N-Gate jobs to Chicago and the suburbs, while also contributing 1,500 jobs locally to Normal via Rivian Automotive. By passing the Future Energy Jobs Act, Illinois will become a hub of clean energy and a source of new, innovative jobs that will be filled by the new generation of workers, us. Gov. Rauner has demonstrated his ability to bring in jobs now, and he will continue to do so if re-elected.

Another great aspect of Gov. Rauner’s campaign is his desire for term limits. Picture, for a moment, having only one U.S. President continuously since 1983. Not only would it hinder diverse and new ways of thinking, but corruption would become a major problem. This is the case with current Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, Mike Madigan (D) who has held this leadership position for 33 of the past 35 years. He has major control over what bills will and will not be proposed or voted on. His “political machine” runs off of the power to instill fear and purchase influence. Therefore, it is no surprise that when looking at the pension and budget problems of the past and present, Madigan’s name is always front center as a problem-creator instead of a problem-solver. If term limits were adopted, not only would Madigan’s influence loosen but a new flow of ideas could begin. Further, with limits on the amount of years in a particular office, the influence of special interests and lobbyists would decrease, handing more power back to where it should be: with the people.

Congressman Rodney Davis (R) also deserves your vote, as his priorities lie with the people and the pursuit of lowering the unemployment rate in central Illinois. The current unemployment rate nationally is 4.1 percent. The 13th District, in which we live, has an unemployment rate at 9 percent. He has introduced bipartisan legislation that would allow those who collect unemployment benefits to pursue the education and training necessary to regain their footing. In a time where the economy is showing signs of rapid growth, the citizens of central Illinois deserve to have the requisite skills in order to obtain a well-paying job, and Congressman Davis has acted on those principles.

My opinion makes clear the benefits, present and future, of voting Republican in the upcoming election. Your vote for Gov. Bruce Rauner and Congressman Rodney Davis in the Primaries on March 20, and the General Election on November 6 will create a system that unleashes economic potential for central Illinois, pave a pathway to a future career after college and to give you more power in the decision making of this Illinois and the United States as a whole.

By admin

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