9/7/2021, 8:30 AM, Pfeiffer Hall
Non-emergency transport of a student to a hospital by the fire department.
9/7/2021, 1:20 PM, Ferguson Hall
Student was stuck inside of their residence hall room due to a broken doorknob, until the handle was cut off by the physical plant.
9/7/2021, 5:15 PM, Egbers Quad
Theft of two outside banners from light poles located on Egbers Quad.
9/9/2021, 9:30 AM, Ferguson Hall
Fire department on scene for a student illness. Student refused transport to the hospital.
9/9/2021, 10:30 AM, Magill Hall
Report of suspicious activity – reported the next morning.
9/10/2021, 1:30 AM, Ames Library
Student safety escort.
9/11/2021, 10:37 AM, McPherson Hall
Student wellness check.
9/12/2021, 12:25 PM, Gateway
Student injured leg – transported by fire department to the hospital.